the financial planning process

the steps we take together to Develop A Path to FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR YOU, Your family AND/OR YOUR BUSINESS

Imagine a time when you no longer require an income from your job or business in order to support your lifestyle and that of your family.  For this to happen you need to know two things: 1) how much you need to save and invest, and 2) what you need to save and invest in.  The answer to these questions depends on your age, your net worth, how much you save or invest each month, when you want to retire and what lifestyle you want to live in retirement. 


STEP 1 – The Discovery Meeting

We spend 45 minutes to gather information about your future goals and current finances. After this meeting my team and I create a strategy to help you achieve your goals based on your current situation.

STEP 2 – Strategy Presentation

We meet again, usually a week or so later, to discuss my team’s recommendations to help you achieve your goals. You decide what you want to implement.

STEP 3 – Implementation

We work together to implement the recommendations that you decide to make part of your financial strategy. Much of this is done electronically or remotely after the strategy presentation.


Note: I do not charge to meet with you or to create or implement these strategies. Instead, I am paid by the financial institutions in the implementation phase should you move forward with the recommendations.


Book A Discovery Meeting