Financial concerns change after 50

As we approach retirement, our financial concerns begin to shift.  


First of all, we become more aware of the real possibility of eventually running out of money after we stop working.  We want to make sure our nest egg of savings and investments produces enough income for us so that we don’t end up outliving it. 

Secondly, especially if we have had to take care of our parents and other family elders, we may be concerned about long term care costs. With the cost of nursing home care now averaging about $8,000/month, it is easy to imagine these costs quickly eating away at our savings and investments.

If you are concerned about one or both of these issues, know that there are solutions to help.  Annuities are special pension-like arrangements with an insurance company that can produce guaranteed income for life — an income that you cannot outlive.  Long term care insurance would pay for your nursing home and at home care costs should you reach a point where you need those services due to no longer being able to do at least two of the six activities of daily living.

Both annuities and long term care insurance can be configured in different ways depending on how premiums are paid and which insurance carrier is offering the product.

Are you 50 years or older and interested in learning more about these financial products and seeing which one can be tailored to fit your specific needs?

If so, reach out for a free, no obligation consultation. 

(if you are younger than 50 years old and are looking for a retirement solution click here)